Governance Essentials for Clubs & Organisations


More knowledgeable, confident, and capable board members in the sporting sector and beyond is the goal of regular governance workshops being run by Sport Whanganui for clubs, trusts and organisations.

Run in partnership with Whanganui Community Education and Whanganui & Partners, approximately 35 participants have taken part in four community workshops since launch in 2023, with two dedicated workshops also delivered to local organisations the Koha Shed and Mainstreet Whanganui. This year, we are expanding our workshop programme to include sessions in Ruapehu and Rangitikei.

Sport Whanganui Rangatahi Lead Paula Darlington says the drive to provide the training for local clubs came about due to the sector being reliant largely on local volunteers, often finding themselves thrown into committee or board meetings and wanting to do a good job.

“Good governance is the backbone of an organisation. There are many people in the community who would be great contributors but lack confidence or feel they don’t have enough experience. Having the opportunity to upskill and support the volunteers in these roles is invaluable,” says Paula.

The workshops have been designed by The Wheelhouse, a collective of eight Taranaki organisations, and focus on building an understanding of basic governance principles, including financial requirements – something that is on the minds of clubs with the new Incorporated Societies Act coming into effect in 2023.

“We have had interest from all levels of experience, and some wanting to come a second time or bring others from their committee the next time. You can always take away something, and often those with experience can add value to the workshops through the conversational nature of the sessions.”   

The next Governance Workshop will be held in Marton on Wednesday 3 April, location to be confirmed. The cost to attend a Governance Workshop is $20 per person, or $30 per organisation (two people maximum).

Due to interest in a chairperson’s workshop, we are also hosting a Wheelhouse Workshop specifically for this role. This is a very targeted workshop and a great opportunity for professional development for any organisation. The Chairperson’s Workshop will be held on Wednesday 11 April 2024, 6 –8pm and costs $250 per person.

To find out more about any of the workshops, contact or call Paula at 06 349 2300.

Photo caption: Local students taking part in an early Wheelhouse Workshop for leadership and governance.

Article posted 27 February 2024 by sportwhanganui