Taking part in physical activity improves mood, self-esteem, and helps to build a sense of belonging across schools and communities.
Physical activity and a healthy diet when we’re young is a key part to building confidence, accelerating learning and building lifelong healthy lifestyles. Sport Whanganui champion ways for tamariki to get active in the classroom and the community, through play, active recreation and sport.
We work closely with teachers and principals from primary schools and kura in the region to encourage participation, provide positive sports experiences and increase the physical literacy of tamariki, so they can build a lifelong love of activity.
Kohikohi ngā kakano, whakaritea te pārekereke, kia puawāi ngā hua.
Gather the seeds, prepare the seedbed carefully, and you will be gifted with an abundance of food.
Healthy Active Learning
Healthy Active Learning (HAL) is a joint initiative with Sport New Zealand (delivered locally by Sport Whanganui), Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand, and the Ministry of Education, to help improve the wellbeing of tamariki through healthy eating, drinking, and quality physical activity.
Sport Whanganui’s team of Healthy Active Learning Advisors and Connectors work alongside selected primary and intermediate schools within our region to assist teachers/kaiako to:
- understand and recognise the value of the Health and Physical Education and Hauora curriculum.
- create an environment that supports and promotes quality play, sport and physical activity.
- build confident and capable teachers and kaiako in delivering the Health and Physical Education and Hauora curriculum.
- create a healthy food and drink environment.
- make well informed decisions when engaging with external providers.
- strengthen their connections with their wider community, including whānau, and local health and physical activity providers.
Have questions about Healthy Active Learning? Send us an email or call us on 06 349 2300.

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa
Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa provides funding for the delivery of activities for children and young people. Activities can be new or existing, and your application needs to show how you’re meeting the needs of young people.
We welcome applications from a wide range of groups and organisations, including primary, intermediate and kura, and secondary schools and wharekura.
Replay – Make a Difference
Sport Whanganui is proud to collaborate with REPLAY, an initiative whose aim is keep sport gear out of landfill and in the hands of tamariki.
REPLAY is on a mission to save sports gear and create more opportunities for tamariki to get active. By getting pre-loved gear out to our local community, which Sport Whanganui does regularly through schools, more tamariki can reap the benefits.
If your school is need of gear, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team to find out more about REPLAY.
Got gear to spare? Contact our team today or drop it to one of our awesome REPLAY bin hosts listed below.
- Whanganui: Rebel Sport Whanganui, 300 Victoria Avenue, Whanganui
- Ruapehu: Bayleys Ruapehu, 16 Goldfinch Street, Ohakune
- Rangitīkei: New World Marton, 427 Wellington Road, Marton
Keen to host a REPLAY drive at your school or workplace?
Hosting a REPLAY gear-drive is an awesome way to support young people in your community, while also keeping sports gear out of landfill.
What’s involved?
- You let us know you want to host a REPLAY bin at your school or workplace.
- We drop a bin to you, along with some promotional material – posters and social media tiles to share.
- You spread the word with your community and watch the gear flow in!
- At the end of the drive, we collect all of the donated gear and re-home it to young people in need.