Developing nature play opportunities at Bulls School
Nature play benefits all students. Over the years, researchers has found a range of benefits to taking learning outdoors. Children are better learners in nature, retaining more through practical lessons. Nature play also provides opportunity for collaboration and problem-solving. Nature has a healing and calming effect, which addresses many behavioural issues and engages reluctant learners. Most importantly, it’s a lot of fun.
In term 4 of 2023, the Sport Whanganui Healthy Active Learning (HAL) team organised a Nature Play PLD for primary school teachers at the Eco School just out of Whanganui. Led by Dani Lebo, who runs the Forest School programme at Whanganui Intermediate, 20 teachers attended from the Rangitīkei and Whanganui regions.
“What an awesome afternoon, Margot! Just hearing the silence of their concentration followed by comments like “this is so fun” really filled my bucket!” Teacher, Bulls School
Two teachers from Bulls School took part and have taken their learnings back. They realised that an existing area of bush on the school grounds was perfect for use as a ‘Forest Classroom’ and have started using the space for activities such as hut building and making fires with flint. Whaea Margot from HAL led workshops with the seniors, teaching them about harakeke and the associated tikanga.
Since incorporating nature play, teachers have noticed a profound impact on the tamariki, including enhanced creativity and improved physical health. The connection with nature has also instilled a sense of stewardship and environmental awareness, which also supports the school’s Enviroschool kaupapa.
Ngā Kākano (the New Entrant class at Bulls School) love incorporating Forest School into their week. Teachers report seeing usually quiet students become experts, showing off their skills and confidence when climbing trees or making huts. The outdoor setting encourages creativity and problem-solving and the tamariki are thriving off the physical activity they exert in this unique learning environment.
“Witnessing the joy and wonder on students’ faces as they explore and discover in the forest classroom reaffirms the importance of incorporating nature into education, offering invaluable experiences that extend far beyond the classroom walls.” Teacher, Bulls School