Local businesses collect sports gear for kids.


A programme to collect and re-distribute sports gear is proving successful with local businesses getting behind the initiative.

Whanganui Police and Gonville Health Centre staff recently hosted a gear drive at their workplaces, together filling a REPLAY bin with recycled sports gear in just a few weeks.

Mistie Hemingway, care co-ordinator nurse at Gonville Health Ltd says their team had a great time with the REPLAY bin in their team room.

“The majority of the team got behind it, wanting to donate and encourage engagement in sports/activity as we know the benefits this has on our overall wellbeing.”

The REPLAY initiative, started by Denise McLean in Manawatū in 2017, is a charitable project helping communities stay active by connecting new and used sports gear with those who need it. Sport Whanganui has partnered with REPLAY to distribute thousands of items to schools, families and children in the Whanganui region.

Anyone can donate good quality sports gear to REPLAY, either through one of the fixed collection bins at locations around the region, or by hosting a gear drive at their school, workplace or organisation.

Whanganui Ruapehu Area Commander Neil Forlong says, “I think this is a great initiative from Sport Whanganui and it would be great for local people to get behind it.”

Any local organisations that are interested in supporting the REPLAY initiative are invited to contact Sport Whanganui rangatahi activator, Quinn Hemingway, to discuss hosting a ‘roving bin’ for a month or a few weeks.

“We drop the bin to your workplace and provide posters and materials to help you encourage staff to donate good quality sports gear.

“Sport Whanganui then collects the donated new and used sport gear and redistributes it to reach local children and families that may need help accessing gear of their own,” says Quinn.

“It also keeps gear out of landfill and helps address some of the barriers to participation for tamariki. Often, we get requests from schools to assist with resource supplies, or on behalf of families who need something to help a child try a sport for the first time – usually rugby boots, hockey sticks or sneakers. Sports balls of any kind also go down a treat!”

To get involved in REPLAY, contact Quinn Hemingway at Sport Whanganui at 06 349 2300. For information about REPLAY and preferred gear to donate visit replay.org.nz/.

Article posted 15 July 2024 by sportwhanganui