Give a toss about men’s health at Gumboot Funday

A man sits at a table getting his blood pressure checked at the Gumboot Sunday event.

Men are being encouraged to get a free health check and try a hand – or boot – at winning some great prizes as part of Men’s Health Week.

Sport Whanganui along with Ngā Tai o Te Awa and Rivercity Golf invite all tāne, friends, and whānau to Gumboot Funday from 10am – 2pm, Sunday 9 June at Tawhero Golf Course.

Deb Byers, Sport Whanganui Active Wellbeing Manager says Gumboot Funday is a fantastic opportunity for men to take proactive steps towards their health in a non-judgmental, relaxed, and social environment.

“Sport Whanganui will be offering free ‘WOF’ health checks which includes blood pressure, oxygen levels, resting heart rate, height, and weight.

“Keeping a healthy body and mind means getting regular health checks each year. We understand there can be barriers to accessing regular health care, so we are offering men the opportunity to have a free health check in a relaxed, easily accessible environment.”

Deb Byers, Sport Whanganui Active Wellbeing Manager

Men and their whānau will also be able to boost their health knowledge at Gumboot Funday, with stalls from Te Whatu Ora, Regional Health Network, and Stop Smoking Service. The team from U.G.C – UnderGround Cutz will also be back offering fresh cuts.

Activities on offer include a gumboot toss and three-hole gumboot golf. Mitre 10 MEGA Whanganui, Ngā Tai o Te Awa, and Sport Whanganui have donated prizes and there will be free kai for the whānau.

Men’s Health Week (10 – 16 June) is dedicated to encouraging men to get right on top of their biggest and most important asset – their health. Starting with the small steps that can enable them to turn their health issues around.

Eight Kiwi families every day lose a loved partner, father or tupuna to a preventable illness. Almost one Kiwi man in four will die before they reach retirement age. We can do something to change these numbers by making small changes to things we eat, drink, and do.

Visit the Men’s Health Week website, take the ‘What’s Your Score’ test to get a gauge on the health routines you already have, check out the health quizzes, information pages and resources to learn more.

Come along and join us in supporting our men and encouraging healthier lifestyles!

A man sits at a table getting his blood pressure checked at the Gumboot Sunday event.
Article posted 5 June 2024 by sportwhanganui