Sport Whanganui works to support and enhance the capability of Regional Sports Organisations and clubs across the region in a number of ways. 

Our aim is to see more people active using parks, open spaces and community facilities. To achieve this, we draw on the collective expertise within our team as well as strong partnerships with like minded community organisations, as well as support and programmes from Sport New Zealand and other national bodies.

Our strength is in providing advocacy, advice, leadership and influence to activate, strengthen and connect communities and improve community health and wellbeing. This can include:

  • Leadership and governance training
  • Strategic planning advice, tools and templates
  • Advice around starting a new club
  • Information about funding opportunities
  • Volunteer and coaching resources
  • Disability sport opportunities

Activity directory

Are you a club or community group that offers sporting, active recreation or play opportunities in the Whanganui, Ruapehu or Rangitīkei districts? Are you looking for new members or volunteers?

Our new dashboard for clubs allows you to create a profile, add events to our shared calendar, and load competition draws. To get started, register your club via the link below or contact our team for more information.

Resources for clubs

Find information and resources to help with planning, club management, governance, and coaching.

We regularly update our resources page with links to training opportunities and information for clubs. If you have a link you think we should add, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

2025 Workshops

Whanganui WorkshopsDateLocation
Governance Essentials20 FebruarySport Whanganui
Chairpersons’ Role3 AprilSport Whanganui
Secretary/Treasurer Roles22 MaySport Whanganui
Governance Essentials3 JulySport Whanganui
Chairpersons’ role2 SeptemberSport Whanganui
Ruapehu WorkshopsDateLocation
Governance Essentials1 MayTBC
Chairpersons’ Role14 AugustTBC
Secretary/Treasurer Roles25 SeptemberTBC
Rangitīkei WorkshopsDateLocation
Governance Essentials13 MarchTaihape
Governance Essentials10 JuneMarton
Committee Roles 10122 JulyTaihape
Committee Roles 1019 OctoberMarton

Positive Change Programmes

Tamariki and rangatahi want to have positive experiences in sport, active recreation and play. The good news is we can all contribute to positive change. Clubs, coaches, umpires, referees, whānau, and tamariki and rangatahi themselves, can make small changes that have an impact. Check out how through the Sport New Zealand positive change programmes we provide.

Disability Sport

Sport Whanganui works with clubs, schools and organisations to create opportunities for people with a disability to participate and compete.

Our organisation advocates for inclusiveness so that more people can be more active more often, no matter what their abilities.

Talk to our team

Contact our sport development team for advice and information to support your club or activity.

Contact Paula Darlington, Rangatahi Lead at 06 349 2300.