Sport Whanganui’s Active Wellbeing team are a group of enthusiastic health professionals and kaiawhina who specialise in supporting people to manage their health conditions.
Led by the needs of our communities in the Whanganui, Ruapehu, and Rangitīkei regions, the team works with individuals, whānau and groups to improve wellbeing, social connectedness and link participants into local services.
Our programmes
We support people to explore what health and wellbeing changes are important to them, then work with them to plan and realise solutions for change.
Our successful programmes are free and available to communities in Whanganui and the wider region. While the focus is on physical activity and all the benefits it brings, other services support people to improve their health and wellbeing, such as healthy eating, mental wellbeing and increasing connection with our communities.
Green Prescription
Green Prescription (GRx) offers a personalised approach to improving health and wellbeing through movement/physical activity and nutrition support.
With programmes for adults, teens, and whānau, our team works with you to develop a plan that suits your needs.

Fit for Surgery, Fit for Life
Supporting you on a healthy lifestyle journey prior to having surgery. Our Fit for Surgery Navigator works with people to reduce weight and lift fitness levels in preparation for surgery, building healthy habits that last for life.
Get started by having a chat with your GP about making a referral, or contact the Navigator for a confidential conversation.

Hauora ki te Mahi
Hauora ki te Mahi is a support programme offered by Ministry of Social Development aimed at helping motivated job seekers to improve their health and wellbeing.
Our Wellbeing Coach works alongside clients to plan, track progress and make positive lifestyle changes.

Club Gold
Club Gold (Growing Old, Living Dangerously) is a friendly seniors walking group who meet every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 9am at Sport Whanganui, Springvale Park. This group walks various routes for approximately one hour and returns to the Sport Whanganui for a cuppa. Everyone is welcome – all levels of fitness.
For more information or to register please contact Deb Byers on 06 349 2325.
Our approach
Our approach is underpinned by Te Whare Tapa Whā, a model designed by leading Māori health advocate Sir Mason Durie in 1984.
The model describes health and wellbeing as a wharenui/meeting house with four walls. The four walls represent taha wairua/spiritual wellbeing, taha hinengaro/mental and emotional wellbeing, taha tinana/physical wellbeing and taha whānau/family and social wellbeing. Our connection with the whenua/land forms the foundation.
When all these things are in balance, we thrive. When one or more is out of balance, our wellbeing is impacted. It’s important to take care of our wharenui walls to maintain good health and wellbeing for ourselves and those around us.
When we work with you, we offer you support to strengthen each aspect of your wellbeing.

Image courtesy of Mental Health Week New Zealand
Code of Health and Disability Services Consumer’s Rights
The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights establishes the rights of consumers, and the obligations and duties of provider to comply with the code.