A programme for Whanganui job seekers who would benefit from improving their health and physical wellbeing. We help clients to build social connections with others on the same journey, boosting motivation and overall wellbeing.

Who would benefit?

The Hauora ki te Mahi programme is targeted towards job seekers in the Whanganui region who meet the following criteria: clients must be seeking a physical job change, willing to make positive lifestyle changes and motivated to participate in the recommendations made by the Wellbeing Coach. 

Referrals are made through Work and Income.

How we support you

You will meet with your Wellbeing Activator to discuss and together set a plan in place that will work for you and your needs, pre and post Bioscan testing (physical health test) and analysis of the results, individual gym membership, individual Hauora ki te Mahi plans and ongoing contact with your Wellness Coach throughout your time on the programme. 

  • Your Activator will link you to a gym facility for you to attend for a minimum of three times per week for a three month period. 
  • Your Activator will help you to keep on track by ensuring weekly contact and monthly meetings.
  • Your Activator will provide feedback and a certificate on your progress at the completion of the programme.

How do I apply?

Talk to your Work and Income Case Manager or call Rachael Lynch, Wellbeing Activator on 06 349 2312.

Code of Health and Disability Services Consumer’s Rights

The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights establishes the rights of consumers, and the obligations and duties of provider to comply with the code.
